Development Update - Real time mirrors, are they worth it?
So I've finally implemented a real time mirror that doesn't totally crash the game. I must say though, its a performance hog. I have a...
Development Update - Voice Over
I've been very busy over the past month with organising the voice over for the game. I didn't think I'd need any this early on but I want...
Development Update - TV Show
One of the main design philosophies of this game is that I want everything(within reason) to be intractable. So when it comes to items...
Development Update - Household items
So, the level is finished. It has been for some time now. All that's left is to populate the level with smaller assets and furniture to...
Caustic Reality is now a reality.
While considering if a studio and studio name are required for a solo game developer, I ultimately decided that I wanted to keep my own...